Sunday, February 19, 2006

Glocal Malay? Or Glocal Malaysian?

Feeling uneasy not to make a comment about what The Deputy PM just promoting - Glocal Malay - a globalised local Malay race.
I'm sure there will not be any negative comment coming out from local newspaper tomorrow morning, after all, how could you? The deputy PM is not only the Deputy PM in his standing as Malaysian second powerful man, but he is also representing the strongest community base upon race in Malaysia, namely UMNO.
I, as an individual, however, have an alternative view on this issue.
1) I believe for you to keep your house clean, you can not just hide your rubbish under the sofa; it's noncent to suggest we shall not open up our debate on issue related to our basic priciple of constitutional right given to us.
2) A person of such high ranking shall not mix up his higher duty of representing all of Malaysian's interest with the narrow race issue. These appear to have conflict of interest and create and promoting unfair policy. Well, i will never show my preference amoung my sons, unless the other is not mine!
3) To help a particular community is not wrong, because we are not a full beliver of capitalism, unlike the American. But helping one community base upon race is itself unproductive toward the developing of a country. My opinion is, it's even worst for the development of those being helped! The fact is, sadly, we all know this.
4) To have a fair society, we shall chose to help the poor regardless of their races. Even this, there might still be misbehaviour in administration of its goal.
5) But politic is politic, as we all know it. I'm hopeless as to the changes of this issue in Malaysia. Let wait and see how thing unfold. At the mean while, we are silented.

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