Monday, January 23, 2006

Sunkist and Malaysia Economy

I just come back from China recently, i now know why you can't find Sunkist orange in Malaysia hypermarket since 1998:
The reason is simple, Malaysia economy is, sadly, going south.
When the America producer can sale their products higher price else where, they will not look at those markets that are lack of buying power, Sunkist is selling at RMB$5 -6 perpiece in China market, and there are plenty of middle class buyers who can affort.
Ironically, one can seldom find that our economy is lacking its focus, no media, no economist, no report is pointing to it. There are still lots of conglomerate companies reporting their ever - better result every year, export grow at the rate of 18-22% annually, so do our domestic economy!
You ask me, "You must be joking to even suggest that our economy is going south! Look at our result, boy!"
Well, don't ask me, i'm not a so-called economist.
But, may be i can suggest you a line of thought. Will that be possible that the wealth of our economy have been hijacked by a small group of powerful people, at the expense of the majority?
You will say," How do you prove that we are being marginalised?"
Well, the fact that most of us don't feel we are being marginalised, does not mean anything by its own, Sunkist incident has proved that our cake are smaller, there is always a way to play around with it for 'the rule monitor'.
The laxing of credit will surely be the easy way to make you feel you are richer, by allowing you to own a proper house and car.
Please don't think that you are lucky too early. Calculate your total repayment on your liability you will understand you work a whole life, just to have 2 houses (one for own use and one for rental), a car (which is priced at the top 3 expensive in the whole world), a kid education (it come out to a million ringgit if your kid is suddenly so clever that, you decide only the best oversea university is his destination).
Let me tell you what. In most of the other part of the world, even though they don't own a car, the public transport is right at their door step (or pay a radiculously low price for their car); even though they are paying interest for their house as like us, most likely they don't need to borrow 90-100% of the purchase price (think about it, why?), their education is so minimum that most of us want to migrate to their country!
to be continue...

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