Monday, September 25, 2006

Sending Sugar By Navy Ship

"I am sending my 'battleships' to Sabah and Sarawak......" said Minister Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal, in The Star 25th Sep 2006

I just wonder what had happened to Malaysia's state of economy nowaday? Using a navy ship to distribute sugar? This is not even happened in the poorest country like Bangladesh nor does it happen to the most populated country like India or China.

Here in Malaysia, we yet again blaming and pointing finger to each other, but refuse anf deny the basic principle of the Free Economy!

Malaysia was blessed by its large pool of natural resources, but wake up man!!! We can no longer depand on it any more, it's especially so in this globalisational of economy.

The sooner we synergIse into the track of global economy the easier we can survive or even excel, if lucky.

Of course to bite the bullet is never easy, but beware of the consequence of not doing it, we are heading to disasterous end economically and hence politically.

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